14th October
This morning we have done the giant swing and orienteering! The children have been amazing and faced their fears!

Last night we all had an amazing time at the disco dancing away! Today we are finishing off our wonderful experience with orienteering and the giant swing!

13th October

Last night we had an amazing time at the quiz! The winning team were The IQs leading by 3 points!
Today, we will be doing archery, the trapeze, a tunnel trail and a challenge course!

12th October
Today the children are abseiling, fencing, climbing jacobs ladder and completing a challenge course! This evening we have a quiz!

The children had so much fun yesterday on the activities. In the evening, we played splash games! Today we will be abseiling, fencing, climbing Jacob’s ladder and learning survivor skills!

11th October
Today, Y6 have enjoyed raft building, climbing and a sensory trail!

Last night we told stories and sang songs around the campfire. The children slept extremely well and are now ready for a fun filled day of raft building, problem solving, sensory trail and climbing!
10th October
The children were fantastic on the coach and the driver gave them a round of applause (he admitted he never gives these out!). When we arrived, we explored the site, hiking through the woods and signing songs. Tonight, we are having our very own campfire!