Raising Black Caribbean and BAME Achievement
“Every child and young person in Haringey matters. Every child and young person deserves the best life chances, especially when they face additional barriers due to ethnicity and disadvantage. It is everyone’s responsibility to make this a reality and create the equality of opportunity we want to see.”
Our school is committing to:
1. A champion for Black Caribbean and BAME on the Senior Leadership Team
2. A lead governor for Black Caribbean and BAME achievement
3. Completing a self evaluation and sharing the results with governors
4. Leaders to set stretching attainment targets, lead ‘difficult conversations’ and commit to a whole school focus
5. Identifying Black Caribbean and BAME achievement in our School Improvement Plan, with regular progress updates and an annual report to governors
6. Releasing staff to attend and disseminate specific CPD
7. Supporting transition arrangements for vulnerable BAME young people
8. Engaging BAME parents’ views at school and providing positive parenting support
We cannot say we have succeeded until success is shared by all