The school day officially begins at 8.45am when the children meet their teacher and additional adults who support them with their learning in the playground.
The mornings are given to Mathematics and English and Reading.
All of our KS1 and KS2 children have a fifteen minute break in the morning.
EYFS and KS1 children have a break for lunch from 12.10pm through to 13.10pm whilst KS2 children eat slightly later at 12.20pm. Play time and lunchtime staff are trained to support children’s play. There are a wide range of activities for children to enjoy, such as skipping, reading, drawing and sports such as basketball. In addition, a trained sports coach leads activities each day for different year groups to enjoy.
At Alexandra primary, our afternoons are filled with learning based on the current topic. Subjects taught within these topics include Science, Religious Education, PSHCE, Humanities and Art. In addition to these, the children are also taught Design Technology, Spanish, Computer Science and coding, Physical Education and Music.
Children will enter via their designated school gate. The gates will open at 8:40am and will be locked at 8:50am. Children will go straight to their class.
Children in the Nursery are admitted via the Nursery entrance.
Pupils arriving after 8.50 a.m. must report to the office before going to class.